Libertarian Presidential Candidate and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson addressed dozens of supporters in Fort Collins Friday about national security, a balanced budget and the war on drugs.
Speaking at the site of a former medical marijuana dispensary, Johnson urged Coloradans to pass .
“Colorado has the opportunity to change drug policy worldwide. This is what’s at stake here and Colorado gets it,” he said.
Opponents of Amendment 64—which include Democratic Governor —have raised concerns about how the statewide law would be implemented and its impact on children.
Johnson also spoke in favor of Question 301 in Fort Collins, which would reverse a citywide dispensary ban passed by voters last November. .
Both sides of Question 301 have been relatively quiet compared to last year’s campaign, which attracted statewide and national interest .
This year Question 301 organizer Kirk Scramstad said lower visibility is largely due to lack of funding. But he’s hoping that a larger turnout this Presidential Election year will work in his favor.
“Last election was an off year where the demographic that typically votes isn’t technically the demographic that would most likely support these issues,” he said.
Vote Against 301 is opposed to the ban reversal--i.e., it wants dispensaries to remain closed. The group’s website cites child and community safety as its primary concerns.