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Corporate Support

Introduce your business or organization to more than 164,000 of your best potential customers with KUNC sponsorships.

KUNC is NPR for Northern Colorado, offering a broad mix of national, international, and cultural programming, along with award-winning local reporting to listeners across the Front Range and beyond through our broadcast and digital platforms. From Denver and Boulder to Fort Collins and Greeley, KUNC showcases your message to reach a high concentration of business leaders and owners, professionals, and community influencers free from the hype and hyperbole of commercial media.

KUNC listeners are passionate, affluent, highly educated, and are highly likely to respond to messages they hear:

  • 87% of listeners have taken action in response to a public radio sponsorship message
  • 74% of listeners hold a more positive opinion of a company that supports public radio
  • 72% of listeners prefer to purchase products and services from public radio sponsors

(Source: Kantar, NPR State of Sponsorship Survey, March 2022)

Join the many other businesses and organizations that are reaping the benefits of marketing on KUNC’s broadcast and digital platforms to reach this highly desirable audience.

Contact Jennifer Prall for information on KUNC sponsorship options at jennifer.prall@kunc.org.