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Laura Gluhanich

Denver, CO

Laura Gluhanich is Senior Director of Programs at Him For Her, a non-profit accelerating diversity on corporate boards. Prior to Him For Her, Laura ran community programs at Google, Everwise, Ning and about.me, overseeing customer support, marketing and events for tens of millions of users. She also co-founded Silent Book Club, a global movement expanding literacy in shared spaces, with more than 250 chapters in 31 countries around the world.

Laura moved to Colorado in the summer of 2018. Since then, she has focused her volunteer efforts on local organizations that support community members, including Project Angel Heart (providing meals to the homebound) and Denver Community Fridge (mutual aid in the neighborhood). Laura loves music: concerts, records, playlists. Colorado Sound is her favorite station and she and her husband have been members since the station first aired in February of 2016. She looks to deepen her contributions locally by combining her passion for strengthening community with her love of music. Laura brings her experience of community building and digital engagement to the board and Colorado Sound as part of the team that helps the Colorado Sound to thrive for years to come.

Laura lives with her husband and two dogs in Denver, CO.