A goat in east Boulder County is on the mend after being found wandering around Lafayette and drawing a lot of public attention.
Broken Shovels Farm Sanctuary rescued the animal, which had serious injuries that required an amputation surgery. The community helped raise more than $2,500 when the goat's story went viral across local social media networks.
"A huge thank you to all the residents of Lafayette who took this so seriously," said Andrea Davis, executive director and founder of Broken Shovels. "We've never done a loose animal rescue before where so many people showed up to help catch. People were watching for him. People were carrying food and leashes and their cars in case they spotted him."
According to , the goat, now named Lafayette after the city he was found in, had a successful surgery at the CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital and is already standing on his three legs.
"Everything went really, really well. No complications whatsoever," said Davis, who has been monitoring his care. "He's eating. He looks content … He's pretty wary still right now, but he looks relieved."
Lafayette is expected to be home at the sanctuary this weekend, joining his other three-legged goat companions, Taylor and Tripod.