Curious about what’s happening online in the food scene? Four years ago, a new hashtag popped up in the Twittersphere - #foodchat is where consumers and producers can talk.
started weekly hosted conversations on Twitter, using #AgChat and #FoodChat to keep everyone on the same page. People interested in agriculture and food production can submit questions, and then farmers, ranchers, food advocates and others provide the answers.
The idea is that the growing divide between field and plate was detrimental to the farming community, and social media can be a way to spur conversation and subsequently, understanding.
The latest #FoodChat focused on Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and farmers markets. We previously looked as CSA’s and and just the , so I felt like I could add some insight to the conversation. I joined the conversation a few questions in.
If you’re already on Twitter, check us out @ and @ And you can reach me @.
What about you? Have you participated in a CSA? What was your experience like? Tell us about it in the comments below.