Attorney General John Suthers is warning Coloradans about a new scam that's putting potentially malicious code in emails - and small business owners may be particularly vulnerable.
The emails look like they’re from the Better Business Bureau and are sent from a legitimate-looking address, ‘risk manager @ b-b-b. org.’
The subject line may warn of a complaint from a customer, and the body of the email contains a link to what appears to be the official Better Business Bureau website. But the site actually contains malicious code that can infect computers with harmful viruses, or steal personal data.
“We generally advise consumers if you don’t recognize who an email is from, don’t open it, and certainly don’t open any attachments or links inside those emails,” says Attorney General spokesman Mike Saccone.
Instead, if consumers think a suspicious email may be legitimate, they should get in touch with the business directly. In addition, they may want to contact the Attorney General’s office for assistance or to file a complaint.