Nothin' dainty about these flowers. Nope, these guys are pistol-firing, fire-cracking blossoms from photographer/filmmaker Andrew Zuckerman. Click on this image and stand back ...
Bang and they're dead.
It's a short, violent life these flowers have.
Here's another, this one flushing, throbbing, blushing red until it loses rhythm, loses color and then collapses, like a paper sack.
Andrew Zuckerman is known for his creatures-on-white projects. He's done birds-on-white, musicians-on-white; this one, his newest, flowers-on-white, reminds me of a poem by Alan Shapiro, who also likes his flowers ferocious.
Shapiro's poem is about a sunflower, which he called "a crucible"...
"... from which flames
burst with such
sticky brightness
that they suck
sunlight down
into the in-
fluorescent burning
pit of itself.
Did I
say sunflower? Say,
instead, don't-ever-
mess-with-me. Say
That'sthe kind of flower you meet in these videos — tough, voluptuous, but very quickly, like all of us ... dead.
Here's a medley.
Thanks to Maria Popova and her blog for leading me to these flower videos. Andrew Zuckerman's Flower Project is on display . He's also got a of flower photos. The poem I quoted from, by Alan Shapiro, is called, not surprisingly, "Sunflower." You can find it (in its original, much longer version) in his collection .
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