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Tammy Terwelp

President & CEO

Tammy is responsible for the vision and development of KUNC & The Colorado Sound in conjunction with the Board of Directors. She is dedicated to creating the best public media organization in the country through shared leadership, commitment to DEI, teams, strong community and regional partnerships, and expectations of excellence, with service to the public at the heart of the stations’ efforts each day.

Tammy is a media veteran with a broadcasting career that started in music at commercial radio stations in Wisconsin. She has deep experience in public television and public radio in Wisconsin and Chicago and was the Director of Distribution and Logistics at WBEZ in Chicago, the Director of Content and Programming at WESA in Pittsburgh, the General Manager of KRCC in Colorado Springs, and the Executive Director at Aspen Public Radio.

She is a graduate of the inaugural class of Greater Public's DEI Executive Forum led by Minal Bopaiah from Brevity & Wit, as well as The Public Media Diversity Leaders Initiative forum at the Riley Institute at Furman University.

Tammy has served on the Western States Public Radio and Colorado Broadcasters Association boards and is currently a member of the board of directors of Greater Public, the Boulder Reporting Lab, and serves as a committee member of the noncomMUSIC Alliance advisory board.