Colorado is one of 20 states that let parents use personal belief exemptions, which only require a parent's signature to keep their child from getting…
Over 1,240 cases of pertussis, better known as whooping cough, have been reported across Colorado. The latest data from December shows that most of the…
Colorado health officials want more kids to be immunized for routine medical conditions such as measles and whooping cough.House bill 1288 would require…
The middle of December saw the highest number of pertussis or whooping cough cases in 2013.Sixty nine people diagnosed during a two week period, bringing…
The Colorado Department of Health released a report with recommendations seeking to restrict the ways parents can opt out of immunizing their children…
Another 100 cases of whooping cough, or pertussis were reported in Colorado during the last two weeks of October. Jefferson and Boulder counties had the…
The whooping cough vaccine isn't perfect, but public health officials suspected that something else contributed to the 2010 pertussis outbreak in California. A study finds that neighborhoods where more parents filed for vaccination exemptions for their children had higher rates of infection.
Local health officials say the outbreak is the worst in 20 years. Boulder County has issued a health warning after recording 61 confirmed cases of…
Colorado is experiencing its worst season for whooping cough in more than six decades. Statewide 1,407 cases have been reported as of Dec. 8 - a number…
State health officials are concerned about a growing pertussis epidemic in Colorado. To date, 1,026 cases of pertussis (commonly referred to as whooping…