In 2010, a man named Troy Geske died at the Colorado Mental Health Institute of Pueblo after being wrestled by staff members onto a bed, where he was…
Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a bill Friday, June 6 that bans the practice of keeping seriously mentally ill prisoners in solitary confinement.The bill,…
In 2013, more than 31,000 Coloradans were held involuntarily because they were thought to pose a danger to themselves or others, or were gravely disabled,…
Growing demand for intensive mental-health treatment in the state and a decline in the supply of psychiatric beds have put added pressure on emergency…
Mental health became a top priority for some Colorado lawmakers following the 2012 Aurora theater and Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.The state…
Mountain west states – including Colorado – have higher suicide rates compared to the rest of the country. In January, Weld County reported 49 suicide…
Danielle Nordeen drives a 16-year-old Toyota Camry that doesn’t handle well on snowy mountain passes. In January, Nordeen had to make the drive from her…
Larimer County law enforcement, either on the street or in the county jail, say they're seeing more significant and persisting mental illnesses like mood,…
People with mental illnesses in Colorado are more than five times as likely to be housed in jails or in prisons than in hospital psychiatric beds.…
Untreated mental illness is a growing problem in Colorado – with one out of every four adults likely to experience some degree of mental illness in any…