Neither President Obama nor Republican Mitt Romney has focused much attention on the poor. They've talked about creating jobs and opportunity, but mostly for the middle class. Advocates say Obama's stimulus spending has helped, but Republicans argue that government aid helps keep people in poverty.
Many Americans feel like paying for college seems out of reach. How big is the issue in the presidential campaign? The candidates have offered what boils down to this choice: Either the government spends more to help families pay for college or it spends less to save taxpayers money.
GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney thinks the best way to boost employment is through a reduction in tax rates. Critics say it would be difficult for Romney's plan to work without ending some popular deductions.
His plan calls for more spending on infrastructure, a tax cut for firms that hire new workers, aid to state and local governments, and a program to rebuild schools. An analyst who has studied it says the infrastructure part makes sense, but the rest is less potent.
Mitt Romney has stressed ways of further increasing domestic production, while the president says better gas mileage and lowering consumption are important as well.