President-elect Donald Trump’s Secretary of Agriculture appointee will inherit a difficult economic situation. Low commodity and beef prices are hitting…
Surrounded by “Save The Poudre” stickers, banners, books and swag, more than 100 people filled the community room at Fort Collins' Avogadro’s Number to…
The proposal to build two new reservoirs in Northern Colorado, a project known as the Northern Integrated Supply Project, reached a new waypoint with the…
A proposal to build new reservoirs that would take water from the Poudre River hit a key deadline June 19. Residents of Northern Colorado can be forgiven,…
Just west of Carter Lake in the foothills southwest of Loveland sits a rustic abandoned cabin in the middle of a rolling prairie. Soon that cabin, and the…
A potential piece of legislation proposed by Congressman Cory Gardner (R) regarding water storage is being criticized by Fort Collins environmental group…
A Fort Collins software company is planning a new headquarters near the Cache la Poudre River, but the project is more than an office building and has…
A project that would divert Poudre River water into two reservoirs could hurt Northern Colorado agriculture. That’s according to a newly released report…