We’ve heard a lot about wolf reintroduction in our region, but that’s not the only carnivore environmentalists want to bring back.
Safer-at-home means more neighborhood walks — and that means more urban wildlife watching. Over the summer, a new virus affecting rabbits appeared — rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2 (RHDV2) — but, as you may notice on your stroll, the cottontails in Northern Colorado are hopping in abundance this winter.
A mountain lion attacked an eight-year-old boy in Colorado on Wednesday, bringing the total attacks in that state to three this year – the most Colorado...
Wyoming is the latest state in the Mountain West region to be sued by conservation groups over how a federal wildlife kill program is conducted in the...
Utah is the only state in the Mountain West region that offers a bounty for coyotes — a major predator of young mule deer . Now the program is being...
A U.S. District Court sided with wildlife advocates this week. It ruled that a federal agency ignored scientific studies that did not support its...