Most surrogates are paid thousands of dollars to bear a child for someone else, but many say that's not the main motivation. Women who are eager to get pregnant on behalf of others are inspired, among other things, by family history and a love of pregnancy.
Charity Lovas has given birth to eight children, yet only three of those children are her own. "If money drives you, you are looking at the wrong career," the surrogate mother says.
There are few things more intimate and emotionally fraught than carrying someone else's baby — or having someone else carry yours. No one knows that better than Whitney Watts and Susan de Gruchy. Last year, Watts carried de Gruchy's twins through nine months of ups, downs and a fair share of complications.
For thousands of years, there was no doubt. A woman who gave birth was that child's mother, and her husband the presumed father. Thanks to scientific advances, multiple people may be involved in creating a child now, but the law has not caught up.