Yes, it has been crazy warm. For 2015, Denver broke high temperature records on February 6, 7, and 8, each day above 70 degrees. Fort Collins also had a…
It's midway through the winter, and Colorado's snowpack is in a Goldilocks situation. Not too much, not too little.According to state climatologist Nolan…
If you live in Northern Colorado or the Front Range and it feels like this summer has been wetter than normal, it's not your imagination.Some parts of…
Parts of Southeast Colorado are experiencing a longer period of drought than the dry times that occurred during the Dust Bowl.According to Nolan Doesken,…
If you feel like you’ve dodged more than your share of hail and giant, plunking raindrops over the past few weeks, you probably have.According to data…
What you call “crazy weather,” Colorado state climatologist Nolan Doesken calls “climate variability.”And variable it has been.Since 2012, Midwest farmers…
The rainfall that led to September’s floods in Colorado has been described as “biblical.” State Climatologist Nolan Doesken is trying to quantify that…
What a difference a week can make. The epic rainstorm that hovered over Colorado’s Front Range effectively quashed a lingering drought. But Climate…
We’re well past this year’s dry Summer, and into late Autumn – but the changing of the season doesn't fix the drought. Despite recent moisture, the entire…
A seemingly endless drought this summer has created dried-up reservoirs and many disappointed farmers. The state’s climatologist told KUNC recently that a…