A diverse team of scientists led by Colorado State University will be on an aircraft conducting smoke observation flights in Boise, Idaho.The project,…
Across the county, in areas like north Texas, western Pennsylvania and in the suburbs and towns north of Denver, communities are becoming industrialized,…
The weather trail that led to a blizzard in the Mid-Atlantic likely started with a very warm Pacific, scientists suspect. Whether climate shifts will bring more strong El Niños is still uncertain.
Arizona's Yarnell Hill fire claimed the lives of 19 firefighters. Colorado's Waldo Canyon, Black Forest, and High Park fires were some of the costliest…
Clouds aren’t always what appear to be: Two clouds that look the same on the outside might indicate a dry day or a rainstorm, all depending on where they…
June is the start of outdoor recreation season for many Coloradans, and it also marks the start of the peak season for powerful storms and lightning.…
Researchers with the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that increased West Nile outbreaks…
On a warm afternoon in Boulder, a small group of residents and scientists walked alongside South Boulder Creek."Today, we are here to talk about our…
When Front Range residents look to the skies for the next few weeks, they may see something unusual – a NASA P-3 airplane buzzing just a thousand feet…
What if you could look at the plants in your garden in order to learn if the air around you is clean or dirty?At the National Center for Atmospheric…