National Audubon Society /tags/national-audubon-society National Audubon Society en-US Copyright KUNC/Community Radio for Northern Colorado 2020 Mon, 28 Aug 2023 22:11:42 GMT Audubon report showcases bird-friendly solutions to renewable energy buildout /regional-news/2023-08-28/audubon-report-showcases-bird-friendly-solutions-to-renewable-energy-buildout A new Audubon Society report on birds and power transmission lines pushes for a clean energy grid, but warns the buildout could harm birds. Yet the report contends collaborative planning can create a symbiotic relationship between those pushing for clean energy and others seeking to protect bird species. Mon, 28 Aug 2023 22:11:42 GMT /regional-news/2023-08-28/audubon-report-showcases-bird-friendly-solutions-to-renewable-energy-buildout Emma VandenEinde Annual Christmas Bird Count begins around the nation /regional-news/2022-12-14/annual-christmas-bird-count-begins-around-the-nation The National Audubon Society kicked off its annual bird count Wednesday — a program that helps experts understand how birds respond to climate change. Wed, 14 Dec 2022 22:04:15 GMT /regional-news/2022-12-14/annual-christmas-bird-count-begins-around-the-nation Emma VandenEinde Juncos, red-winged blackbirds and many other Mountain West birds echo 'canaries in the coal mine' /regional-news/2022-10-31/juncos-red-winged-blackbirds-and-many-other-mountain-west-birds-echo-canaries-in-the-coal-mine Many birds are in trouble nationwide. A 2019 study published by Cornell found that bird populations have declined 30% since 1970. That's nearly three billion birds. Mon, 31 Oct 2022 12:00:00 GMT /regional-news/2022-10-31/juncos-red-winged-blackbirds-and-many-other-mountain-west-birds-echo-canaries-in-the-coal-mine Emma VandenEinde