Standing underneath one of his research stations at a Colorado State University experimental farm, Jeff Siegfried is decked out in a green and gold hat…
Emily Robbins is a city girl now.Well, I’m using that term as a cliché. Robbins, 27, lives in Kansas City and works as an engineer at a large firm. She is…
Every year on my birthday I know there’s a thin, flat package waiting for me to open. It’s wrapped with neat corner folds and held together perfectly with…
Most family vacations are remembered for endless car rides, packed tourist beaches and a string of poorly decorated hotel rooms.But not former Nebraskan…
When they heard Dan Hromas’ truck rolling in, the chickens came strutting. The auburn-feathered Rhode Island Reds stood out, even in the tall, green brome…
Matt Pauly has traveled the world – he’s lived in New York, Paris, South Korea – but he’s still a farm boy at heart.Ask him about growing up in tiny…
One sign that you have strong farm roots is when your rural road is named for your family.I met Steve Quandt on Quandt Road, north of Grand Island, Neb.,…
Danelle Myer owns a small vegetable farm. Like many other small farmers, she’s passionate about the kind of operation she wants to grow: a small, local…
Nate Pike has worked on on his Dodge City, Kan. ranch for quite a while. The former owner started ranching in western Kansas before 1900.I met Pike…
As a child, Robert Harris Jr. worked the cotton fields of southeastern Missouri’s boot heel. Like many sharecroppers’ children, he fled that life.Now,…