Mitch Daniels /tags/mitch-daniels Mitch Daniels en-US Copyright KUNC/Community Radio for Northern Colorado 2020 Wed, 01 Feb 2012 17:48:00 GMT With Governor's Signature, Indiana Becomes 'Right To Work' State /npr-news/2012-02-01/with-governors-signature-indiana-becomes-right-to-work-state It makes the state the first to enact a right to work law in a decade and also the first to enact such a law in the Rust Belt. Union members were planning a protest in downtown Indianapolis, the site of this year's Super Bowl. Wed, 01 Feb 2012 17:48:00 GMT /npr-news/2012-02-01/with-governors-signature-indiana-becomes-right-to-work-state Eyder Peralta Obama's And Daniels' Speeches Follow Classic Party Lines /npr-news/2012-01-25/obamas-and-daniels-speeches-follow-classic-party-lines ANALYSIS: There were appeals to what unites Americans, and even to what may unite the warring parties in Washington. But the spirit and bite of the address were in the throwing down of the gauntlet. Wed, 25 Jan 2012 12:02:00 GMT /npr-news/2012-01-25/obamas-and-daniels-speeches-follow-classic-party-lines Ron Elving Transcript: GOP Response From Gov. Mitch Daniels /npr-news/2012-01-24/transcript-gop-response-from-gov-mitch-daniels Read the text of the Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union address, as prepared for delivery. Wed, 25 Jan 2012 03:31:00 GMT /npr-news/2012-01-24/transcript-gop-response-from-gov-mitch-daniels Indiana Law Slashes Planned Parenthood Funding /2011-05-11/indiana-law-slashes-planned-parenthood-funding Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has signed legislation that would make his state the first to ban Planned Parenthood from receiving any government funds. Wed, 11 May 2011 08:00:00 GMT /2011-05-11/indiana-law-slashes-planned-parenthood-funding Indiana Bill Would Slash Planned Parenthood Funding /2011-05-10/indiana-bill-would-slash-planned-parenthood-funding Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, a possible Republican presidential candidate, is expected soon to sign a bill that would strip Planned Parenthood of government funding. The group says the move would prevent 22,000 Hoosier women from accessing it without paying out of pocket. Tue, 10 May 2011 15:55:00 GMT /2011-05-10/indiana-bill-would-slash-planned-parenthood-funding Brandon Smith