Colorado River water managers have plenty to argue about. But there’s one thing on which nearly everyone who relies on the southwestern river can agree.…
In response to the crisis in lengthy wait times for medical care, Congress and veterans groups again are debating the proper role of private sector solutions.
The Arizona senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee wrote a stinging response to the Russian leader's put-down of "American exceptionalism." Putin, he tells Russians, "rules for himself, not you." McCain's essay has been posted by Russia's Pravda.
The Arizona senator was spotted playing a game on his phone as other lawmakers debated whether to strike Syria. "Scandal!" he later tweeted, with tongue firmly in cheek. Be honest, have you ever surreptitiously done such a thing during a boring meeting?
The Republican senator supports military action that makes it harder for Syrian President Bashar Assad to wage war against his people. The Senate on Tuesday starts debating the president's request for authorization to strike Syria in response to its alleged use of chemical weapons.
Many congressional leaders had pushed for the White House to seek authorization before going ahead with a strike against the Damascus regime.
Inspecting seafood for safety hazards is currently the job of the Food and Drug Administration. But U.S. catfish producers want the Department of Agriculture involved, too. Critics say it's just a crackdown on foreign producers who are taking over the U.S. market.
Sen. John McCain, just back from a quick foray to rebel-held territory in Syria, is pushing the Obama administration to do more to help rebels topple Bashar Assad's regime. His call comes as rebels lose ground in their fight, and as skepticism rises about the U.S.-Russian plans for a peace conference.
Trips to war zones have become a signature for Sen. John McCain. While some senators use poster board displays on the Senate floor to make their points, McCain goes them one better and by posing in dangerous places alongside wary men with semiautomatic rifles.
Arizona Sen. John McCain spent his Memorial Day in Syria. McCain's spokesman says the Republican senator crossed into northern Syria from Turkey to meet with rebels in the country, ripped apart by the 2-year conflict turned civil war.