In a report, the department warns that a default could do damage to the economy to rival the Great Recession.
Jack Lew, doing the rounds on the Sunday morning political programs, says another partisan spending fight could plunge the country back into economic crisis.
His original "doodle" made news when he was nominated for the post. His signature is, after all, displayed on the dollar.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is on his first trip to Europe, pushing for leaders to let up on strict steps that were enacted during the financial crisis. His trip comes as President Obama prepares to send his budget plan to Congress. It's said to include cuts to Social Security and Medicare. David Greene talks to Lew, who's in Berlin to meet with Germany's finance minister.
Before he was White House chief of staff, Lew was Obama's budget director — a job he'd also held in the Clinton White House.
While some of the questions were pointed, Lew had an easier go of it than some recent nominees. Some of the toughest questioning centered around a nearly $1 million bonus he received from Citibank just as it got bailed out.
Jack Lew is known as a smart, unassuming budget wonk who has spent most of his career in government policy-making jobs. Lew, President Obama's nominee to be Treasury secretary, is expected to face questions about his management years at Citigroup before the government bailed out the banking giant.
A hard reality any re-elected president must face is that there are only so many people who have the president's confidence, experience to run a Cabinet department, personal backgrounds that can withstand vetting, and are politically acceptable to the opposition party.
The president has nominated his chief of staff. Jack Lew is also a former budget director in both the Clinton and Obama administrations. He would replace Timothy Geithner, who plans to step down soon.
President Obama announces his nomination of Jack Lew to serve as Secretary of the Treasury Thursday.http://youtu.be/zwTMZDm764YRead More: Obama Taps Top…