Things are in limbo after Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell delayed a vote on the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. A group of 13…
Speakers at the 2015 BizWest Economic Forecast said the northern regional economy looks to remain strong going deeper into the year. However - and there's…
Colorado's new health insurance rates and plans for 2015 are out. While overall premiums will increase slightly on average, some regions could see rates…
To know if taxpayers got good value in setting up the health care exchanges we need to see what happens in the next few years, economists say. Will buyers and sellers keep coming?
The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services has approved Colorado's plan to consolidate several rating areas to reduce health insurance premiums in rural…
The Affordable Care Act sets a lot of limits on what insurers can do. They can't charge sick people more, for instance. But one thing that still counts is location, location, location.
It is the only state to require insurers that sell individual plans outside the online marketplace to make coverage available to customers anytime.
Like other states that opted to run their own exchange, Colorado spent several years and hundreds of millions in federal dollars to create an insurance…
Over the next year, many of the more than 1.2 million people who used the Covered California exchange to buy health insurance are expected to switch to job-based plans or Medicaid.
Federally funded health clinics serve all comers, and people pay fees based on a sliding scale. That's one option for people who didn't sign up for health insurance on the exchanges.