Local Asian American community group stands with Palestine against Israeli colonization after generations of their own anguish.
The Egyptian military operation to destroy most of the tunnels used to smuggle goods into neighboring Gaza has led to a shortage of cheap fuel and building materials. It also has led to more sewage flowing into the sea. Change is afoot, however, for the first time in six years.
Palestinians picked a new president this week — on a reality show, that is. Meanwhile, the real political leadership in the West Bank is in disarray, even as Secretary of State John Kerry works to restart peace negotiations.
Palestinians convicted of working for Israel's security forces face harsh punishment, which can include vigilante justice. Hamas, the Islamic group that runs the Gaza Strip, has been waging a campaign to crack down on Palestinian collaborators, or informants.
The striking image of grief-stricken men carrying two boys to a mosque for their funeral was named the World Press Photo of the Year in February. Recently, critics have questioned the photo's authenticity. The photographer says he did nothing out of the ordinary with the image.
Google unilaterally changed "Google: Palestinian Territories" to "Google: Palestine." Many Palestinians were thrilled, while Israel's Foreign Ministry questioned the move.
The attacks came just hours before President Obama travelled from Israel to the West Bank, where he met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Obama condemned the attacks, but called for Israelis and Palestinians to return to the negotiating table without preconditions.
The Gaza Kitchen weaves little-known stories of Gaza food and farming among Palestinian home-cooking recipes. It's an effort not just to document the flavors of modern and historic Gaza, but also to start a new conversation about the place and its people.
Years of war have overtaxed Gaza's hospitals, making it tough for kidney patients to get good treatment. Thanks to help from British doctors, Gaza surgeons are now being trained to perform kidney transplants. They hope to help ease the huge demand for dialysis, but transplants have their own cost.
The photograph of a grieving father holding the body of his baby boy became the iconic photograph of Israel's military strikes in Gaza last November.