While the ATF is a fraction of the size of its sister agency, the FBI, it runs the show when it comes to tracing weapons at crime scenes and investigating bombs and arson. But the agency has been without a permanent director for almost seven years.
Breuer's tenure as chief of the Justice Department's criminal division was marked by the scandal of "Fast and Furious" gun-walking operation and the biggest biggest criminal investigation in department history.
Republicans Charles Grassley of Iowa and Darrell Issa of California want to know if a whistleblower is being punished while one of the ATF managers involved is being allowed to "double-dip."
The investigation, however, did prompt the resignation of one high-ranking official as well as the retirement of former ATF director Kenneth Melson.
The White House has exerted executive privilege over the documents in question. Republicans say Obama has overstepped his authority.
ATF agent Peter Forcelli testified in front of Congress about the failed gun-walking operation.
House Republicans, however, also gave the Oversight Committee authorization to sue in Federal Court.
The vote marks the first time a U.S. attorney general has been found in contempt.
The political battle between the Obama administration and the House Oversight and Government has ratcheted up another notch.