Texting and driving. Posting to social media while behind the wheel. Driving within two hours of having a couple of drinks. Failing to put on…
Colorado will soon have a felony DUI law on the books. On the final day of the legislative session the Senate passed House Bill 1043 [.pdf] to create a…
People in Northern Colorado counties are healthier than in most other parts of the state.That's the finding of an annual report which ranked Colorado’s 64…
One of every four motorists cited for drinking and driving in Colorado over the past two years was driving at the time without a valid license because it…
Legal pot sales are growing in Colorado, and the state has a marijuana DUI blood standard for drivers. But without a pot breathalyzer, it's hard to measure how high someone is.
Public service announcements have a history that can run anywhere between bland to scare-tactics on steroids. Remember “this is your brain on drugs”?Times…
Christmas may be over, but the holiday traffic will continue.With traffic along the I-70 corridor expected to be heavy Saturday, the Colorado Department…
Faced with the challenge of reaching young men with a message to deter drunk driving, Colorado's Department of Transportation has turned to a new tool.…
Colorado transportation officials are trying a new approach to discourage drunken driving – and it’s practically guaranteed to generate a steady stream of…
Breath tests after a college football game revealed that many designated drivers had been drinking. Researchers say their alcohol levels were lower, on average, than people who weren't going to drive. But the findings suggest more education is needed.