Having passed its third and final reading in the Colorado House, Senate Bill 19 now only awaits the Governor’s signature. The bill allows same-sex couples…
The move allows legally married same-sex couples to apply for Veterans Affairs benefits like health care and disability payments.
Fort Carson officials are reacting to Wednesday’s announcement by the Department of Defense to extend all spousal and family benefits to same-sex spouses…
The change will mean tens of thousands of dollars in payments to cover things such as health care and housing. The military also will provide leave for service members who must travel for a same-sex marriage.
Following the Supreme Court decision that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, House Republicans have decided not to be part of a court challenge to a law that bars same-sex couples from getting veterans benefits.
The Supreme Court's recent decision striking down a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act means married same-sex couples are now eligible for the same federal benefits as straight couples. Employers are beginning to think about the changes they will have to make.
More same-sex married couples are likely to avail themselves of federal benefits now that the Supreme Court has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act. But precisely how many may do so is difficult to estimate — because no one knows exactly how many legally married same-sex couples live in the U.S.
The end of this latest Supreme Court term leaves us with questions: Is it Justice Kennedy's court or Justice Roberts'? Does pragmatism triumph over ideological purity?
After the Supreme Court ruling overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, President Obama ordered federal agencies to revise their rules regarding benefits for same-sex spouses. But that will be simpler for some federal agencies than others.
The term "dignity" appears no less than nine times in the Supreme Court's landmark opinion overturning the 1996 law blocking federal recognition of gay marriage. It's a familiar concept in Justice Anthony Kennedy's writing.