More Coloradans are filing for bankruptcy and new data show the pace of filings is increasing. Chris Wood, editor and publisher of BizWest, joined KUNC to discuss what the numbers mean — and what they don't.
Mike Calhoun rang the alarm bell early on about the subprime mortgage debacle — before reckless lending drove the economy into recession. These days, he's sounding the alarm about student loans.
U.S. household debt is on the rise again. And states in the Mountain West are seeing some of the highest levels in the country.
The Federal Reserve says the big increase in student loan debt is creating a noticeable dent in younger people's ability to buy homes. But economists say millennials may eventually catch up.
Some of the factors keeping low-income students from getting into college aren't always obvious to the public, higher education insiders tell Morning Edition'sDavid Greene.
You got in! But just how much money is that school offering you? Financial aid award letters can be confusing, so we've put together a sample letter — and translated it into plain English.
Students are taking on record levels of debt to pay for college. Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, says it's a drag on the economy and is calling for changes to the federal student loan system.
Over 20 years, the average burden for a four-year college graduate in the U.S. has gone from $9,000 to $30,000. The percentage of students with debt has shot up from about half to nearly 70 percent.
In the decades following World War II, many American families had a lot of help paying for a college education. But in the 1970s, inflation spiked and public policies began to change.
Most of the nation's chicken meat is grown by contract farmers who get ranked against each other when it's time to get paid. Critics say someone always ends up losing — and, too often, deep in debt.