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NoCo Election 2023
Voters are at the heart of every election. We want to know what issues most matter to you. Your hopes and concerns will set the agenda for how we report and write about the issues — and the stakes — of the 2024 election.

Please take a few moments to tell us what you think candidates should be talking about as they compete for your vote. We will use your contact information only to reach out if a reporter wants to better understand your comments. If you chose to remain anonymous, your name will not appear in any story.
A red, white and blue lawn sign reads "Vote" in white letters with a red arrow
Colorado voters will start receiving their ballots in the mail this week for the June 25 primary election. The Presidential primary is in the rearview mirror, but there is a lot at stake for the state of Colorado this month. Several key Congressional races will impact the balance of power in Washington and more than two dozen seats in the state legislature are up for grabs.

Voters are at the heart of every election. We want to know what issues most matter to you. Your hopes and concerns will set the agenda for how we report and write about the issues — and the stakes — of the 2024 election.

Please take a few moments to tell us what you think candidates should be talking about as they compete for your vote. We will use your contact information only to reach out if a reporter wants to better understand your comments. If you chose to remain anonymous, your name will not appear in any story.

Colorado's Voting Calendar

According to the , these are the most important dates this election year.

  • January 5 - Presidential primary election ballots set by SoS office
  • February 12 - Presidential primary election ballots mailed to voters
  • March 5 - Presidential primary election 
  • June 7 - State primary elections ballots mailed to voters
  • June 25  - State primary election
  • September 17 - National Voter Registration Day
  • First week October - National Voter Education Week
  • October 14 - Ballots mailed to voters
  • October 29 - Vote Early Day
  • November 5 - General Election
Seth Ciancio, Managing Editor of The Front Page, interviews a classmate at Front Range Community College about their intentions to vote in the upcoming elections. Ciancio and the student newsroom at The Front Page are partnering with KUNC this year as a part of a larger, national project focused on engaging voters through voter-centered topics of interest. KUNC and the America Amplified project, will be focusing on young voters and what they are hoping to get out of the political process this year.
KUNC has launched a partnership with Front Range Community College's student newspaper, The Front Page, to provide robust community engagement to drive our non-partisan coverage of the 2024 elections. A primary goal for the collaboration is to increase election engagement among the Front Range community, particularly among young and first-time voters.

In this combination of photos, President Joe Biden speaks on Aug. 10, 2023, in Salt Lake City, left, and former President Donald Trump speaks on July 8, 2023, in Las Vegas, center, and Republican presidential candidate former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, speaks on Feb. 18, 2024, in Columbia, S.C., right.
With more than 80% of the votes reported, the Associated Press called the races for Trump and Biden less than 20 minutes after polls closed. Trump had 63% of the vote in the GOP contest while former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley had 34 %.