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NPR °µºÚ±¬ÁÏ, Colorado Stories
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Natalie Skowlund

Digital Producer

Email: natalie.skowlund@kunc.org

I’m the digital producer for KUNC. I spend my days helping create and distribute content on our website and social media platforms that is informative, accurate and relevant to the communities we serve. On a given day, I might edit stories for the website, write social media posts, deliberate over web design or report out a story.

I’m in the business of keeping our audiences engaged as well as inviting new folks to get to know what we do at the station. My number one priority is to help our station reflect the voices and experiences of the communities we serve, and my favorite part is getting to know the characters and cultures of Colorado.

Prior to joining KUNC, I reported on health disparities in the Southwest and received my Master in Mass Communication from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. Before that, I was the education reporter for the Grants Pass Daily Courier in Oregon. I am also a Fulbright scholar who has worked and studied in Colombia, Taiwan, Bolivia and Spain.

My enterprise coverage at the Grants Pass Daily Courier investigating pandemic remote learning barriers for Latino students won first place for Best Educational Coverage in the Oregon °µºÚ±¬ÁÏpaper Publishers Association 2022 contest. I was also selected to be a member of the Kappa Tau Alpha journalism honor society upon completing my master’s degree at ASU.

When I’m not fixated on public radio, I enjoy hiking, playing Appalachian fiddle tunes and reading novels.