ADAMS. KUNC airs the songs of Ryan Adams, including those from his newest album, Ashes and Fire. Not to be confused, of course, with a Sinatra classic, here’s his song, “New York, New York,” from his album, Gold. It is dedicated to the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The date of this video casts an eerie feeling: September 7, 2011.
BELAFONTE. Harry Belafonte has been performing – acting or singing – since the 1940s. In The New York Times, Garrison Keillor recently . NPR also on Morning Edition. Belafonte’s album, Calypso, was the first LP to top a million copies sold! So, I can’t leave you songless – here he is having fun in 1978 with his friends, The Muppets:
CLOTHESLINE REVIVAL. You’ve perhaps enjoyed on KUNC the inventive soundscapes of Clothesline Revival (a k a Conrad Praetzel). Here’s fascinating vintage 1930's footage of the Old South with 1940 vocals by “Uncle" Bradley Eberhard and underlying instrumentals by Clothesline Revival, a blend of eras and esthetics.