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Michael Rosenblatt

Boulder, CO

Michael is a technology executive with 20 years of experience leading innovation teams and consulting in big tech (Apple, Samsung, SunPower, Google/Nest) and in startups (Dropcam, and Boulder-based minuteKEY). He is currently serving as Vice President of Technology at Electrify America, a Volkswagen Group subsidiary that operates one of the largest electric vehicle fast charging networks across North America. Michael completed his undergraduate studies in Industrial Design and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, and earned his masters degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Laboratory, where he focused on innovation strategy. He is passionate about deploying technology to move humanity forward.

Michael has been a public radio supporter since 2005, and a KUNC listener-supporter for nearly 10 years. He is very interested in how broadcasters reach listeners via digital streaming on new platforms, and with new technologies such as spatial audio and video.

Michael lives in Boudler with his wife and two children, and enjoys hiking and mountain biking in the local mountains.