About nine miles west of Conifer a new state park is opening May 18th.
It has been almost 30 years since Frances H. Staunton turned over her 1,720-acre mountain ranch to the state of Colorado, stipulating that it was "to be preserved in perpetuity" as a state park, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. This weekend her vision will become a reality. Her namesake, , opens to the public.
Park Hours
Grand Opening Weekend: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Starting Monday, May 20 regular summer hours: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Grand Opening weekend parking is at one of two lots where free shuttles will take visitors into the park. Shuttles run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Some activities will be offered all day, such as a kids craft station, trail etiquette and safety education, kids fishing, and many more family friendly activities. Scheduled activities and reservation required activities are listed below.
Grand Opening Activities
Saturday May 18th
9am-11am Pond Exploration
9am-12pm Fishing Demo
10am-3pm Kids Climbing Wall
10am-11am Live Raptor Program
11am-2pm Face Painting
1pm-3pm Time Travel Music
Sunday May 19th
9am-11am Pond Exploration
10am-3pm Kids Mtn. Bike Course
10:30-11:30am Fly Fishing Demo
11am-12pm Live Raptor Program
12pm-3pm Face Painting
1pm-3pm Time Travel Music
2:30-3:30pm Fly Fishing Demo
Guided Walks - Require Reservations
Saturday May 18th
10am-11am Wildflower Discovery
10:30am-12pm Uncovering History
12:30pm-1:30pm Tree Discovery
2pm-3pm Wildflower Discovery
Sunday May 19th
10:30am-12pm Uncovering History
11am-12pm Wildflower Discovery
12:30pm-1:30pm Tree Discovery
2pm-3pm Wildflower Discovery
Space is limited on these guided hikes. Please make a reservation by emailing staunton.park@state.co.us