More of America’s craft beer is being shipped internationally. The industry reported $49.1 million in exports in 2012, up 72 percent over 2011.
Canada continues to be the largest importer of American craft beers, bringing in 68,180 barrels annually. Keep in mind a barrel is equal to 31 gallons.
"Consumers continue to view American craft brewers as leaders in innovation and among the standard bearers for quality. Maintaining that perception is a priority for the craft brewing community," said Bob Pease, chief operating officer, Brewers Association in a .
But don’t expect to find many of Colorado’s signature flavors on the shelves at markets across the globe.
According to a by the CU-Boulder based Leeds school of Business and the Brewer's Guild, Colorado beer stays in the Centennial state.
Only 22.7 percent of Colorado breweries say they ship their products to other states and even fewer, 10.7 percent, export internationally.