Throughout the month of September, the BBC will have a temporary news bureau in Boulder called BBC Pop-Up. It’s a unique journalistic experiment – a mobile bureau that will visit six U.S. cities over the course of six months, gathering stories to report for the BBC’s worldwide audience.
They’re relying on crowdsourcing to determine what those stories should be.
"We're holding town hall meetings in each town when we first arrive," said Matt Danzico, one of three video journalists taking part in the project. "We're asking those living in the town what stories are important to them, that they want the world to know about."
Their first story will touch on how the community of Jamestown is recovering from the Sept. 2013 .
"We found out our first story was going to come out the day before the one-year anniversary (of the flood)," Danzico said. "There was just no way we could do any other story."
Danzico interviewed several Jamestown residents, including the mayor, t0 learn not only what the event itself looked and sounded like, but how the small town has been coping with the devastation.
"I think this local story speaks so much more broadly to a global audience about what it means to lose everything, to lose your home... and then what it meant to pull yourself together and try to rebuild your entire life," Danzico said.
Have an idea for a story you'd like to see covered? Get in touch via , their or page.