While it’s not experiencing the same volume of West Nile virus cases like Texas, the will spray for mosquitoes starting tonight.
“We’re responding to the elevated risk in the mosquitoes and it just happens to be before a holiday weekend,” says Fort Collins West Nile Virus Program Manager Mike Calhoon.
The action comes at the request of the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment. In a press release Director Dr. Adrienne LeBailly said “the infection rate is growing, and I am concerned about the risk this presents, particularly over the holiday weekend. Based on the data, I am recommending spraying in targeted areas which present the greatest risk.”
The city has only sprayed for mosquitoes three times before in 2003, 2004 and 2007. Calhoon says the spraying is not a regular part of the city’s overall mosquito plan.
“We have a program that’s focused on preventative measures and we spend a lot of time checking larval sites, applying larvacide – trying to beat the mosquitoes out of the water.”
Truck mounted spraying will take place between dusk and 1 a.m. and mainly be targeted to the east side of the city.
To minimize pesticide exposure, residents should stay indoors and keep doors and windows closed for 30–60 minutes after spraying occurs.
A second spraying for adult mosquitoes is scheduled for Tuesday, September 4th weather permitting.