On the eve of Saturday's South Carolina primary, from what he describes as the biggest campaign rally he's seen this election season. Only this one wasn't held by an actual political candidate.
It was a satirical rally organized by Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert. Saturday is the of the Supreme Court's Citizens United campaign finance decision, and Colbert used the rally to mock the big money superPACs spawned by the high court ruling.
Colbert was joined by one-time presidential hopeful Herman Cain at the "Rock Me Like A Herman Cain: South Cain-olina Primary Rally" at the College of Charleston.
"As I said during one of the debates, America needs to learn how to lighten up," said Cain, the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, who left the race in December after allegations of sexual harrasment and claims of infidelity, all of which he denied.
But Cain remains on the South Carolina Republican primary ballot, and .
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